// Set your publishable key: remember to change this to your live publishable key in production
// See your keys here: https://dashboard.stripe.com/apikeys
const stripe = Stripe('pk_live_51J7E3HCQx2hmDPQrL8f5wtaQx026lI840htWaMBVlyMz87B09XPAdQ48Dgnfa5Md5pRDdalAXhfZwDcVcYczU8pm00ggdZ3eMC');
const options = {
clientSecret: '',
// Fully customizable with appearance API.
appearance: {/*...*/},
// Set up Stripe.js and Elements to use in checkout form, passing the client secret obtained in step 3
const elements = stripe.elements(options);
// Create and mount the Payment Element
const paymentElement = elements.create('payment');