RENTeGO apartments are the first in Prague to propose a mobile Wi-Fi hotspot so you can stay connected in town without roaming!
You can now navigate, check museum opening hours, send and receive emails and whatsapps and such, and more importantly take selfies and get likes while around Prague without risking roaming fees ;-)
Here is how it works:
In the apartment, you will find a mobile hotspot.
Usually, it will be located on the welcome table with explanations. Press the round button in the middle to switch it on - the two small LED lights on the left and right should light up in green"
Connect your phones, tablets the hotspot through Wi-Fi
The name of the network will be Rentego-mobile-wifi-XX where XX is a number.
The password will be rentego77.
Do not confuse this with the fixed Wi-Fi network of the apartment (Name Rentego, password rentego77 too).
You can connect up to 8 devices at the same time.
When in the apartment, it is better to connect directly to the apartment's fixed Wi-Fi.
Enjoy Prague fully with your connexion!
Enjoy Prague fully with your connection! You can now navigate, check museum opening hours, send and receive emails and whatsapps and such, and more importantly take selfies and get likes while around Prague without risking roaming fees ;-)
Uses to avoid if you do not want to get stuck quickly on FUP (Fair User Policy) Speed are: avoid streaming videos like Netflix (can use 3GB per hour), streaming music like Spotify (can use 115 MB/hour), Youtube (a few videos are OK but an hour would be 1.4 GB). For all such high bandwidth uses it is better to connect at home in your apartment.The mobile hotspot is usually clever enough to connect through Wi-Fi to the apartment Wi-Fi when you get home
When you get back to the apartment, make sure to plug the mobile hotspot back in to re-charge
And remember it is better to connect directly to the fixed Wi-Fi of the apartment (Rentego)
When you leave the apartment for good, do not forget to leave the hotspot in as you found it!
If you forget to do so, let us know ASAP and send it by recommended mail ASAP to our office (Rentego, palackeho 15/715, 110 00 Praha 1, Czech Republic). Otherwise we will charge 150 euros from your deposit.
Disclaimers: this is in Beta phase,
so usually it will work, but it might take some time before we get it to work properly...please be patient if something goes wrong ;-) In particular, you may run out of data and be limited by FUP, run out of power especially if you forget to re-charge it, and so on...Also, if you use this, we assume you are already familiar with technology. Since we provide it for free we cannot pay an army of IT technicians to teach or troubleshoot -if the hotspot works with one device but does not work with one of yours, help from our technicians to troubleshoot will be optional and charged 20 euros per hour.
Advanced users-manual-application and download
While connected to the mobile hotspot through Wi-Fi, you can connect to to check battery and data
You can download the android app to monitor battery and connexion. (or use the QR code)